Luffy has been smashed by Kai and sent flying. He is trying to recover while Kaido faces the reaming three. Kaido unleashed a powerful blow, trying to free Prometheus from Zoro. Law uses Shamble to exchanges his position with Zoro. He begins to fight with Kaido instead of Zoro. Before we get to One Piece 1011 Release Date & Spoilers, let us take a look at a quick recap.
One Piece Chapter 101o Highlights
The trio tries to take down Kaido without Luffy, but Kaido has freed Prometheus. Prometheus decided to head towards Big Mom’s directions. Prometheus knows that if Big Mom hits with the ground from such height, things might get worse. He decided to help Big Mom before the worst happens. Captain Kid comments that they have achieved their goal of separating two Beast Pirates. Watch Story: One Piece 1011 WIll Likely Continue Luffy Vs Kaido Fight He also said they would handle Big Mom and Zoro wanted to tell Captain Kid and Killer something. The battle became intense, and Prometheus manages to arrive where Big Mom is falling from in time. Prometheus manages to save Big Mom before she shames with the ground. Big Mom asks Prometheus about something. While Zoro told Law to use his powerful attack, and if it doesn’t work on Kaido, he will take care of him. Zoro exchanges word with Kaido when he prepares to attack him. Zoro unleashes a powerful Asura attack and attacks Kaido. After the attack, Kaido comments that it can’t be and ask Zoro if he has Haoshoku. Kaido also said this attack would leave a scar on him, and he comments that enough is enough. He unleashed a powerful attack and attacked Law while saying Raimei Hakke. Suddenly Luffy has just managed to recover from the dealer blow fired by Kaido.
Thunder Bagua
He stood up and started to talk with Kaido. Luffy said that he realizes everything when Kaido hits him with his bat. He asks Kaido if he used the Haoshoku. Kaido replied that only a powerful being could pull that one. Kaido is surprised that he fall before Luffy landed a clean blow. Luffy comments that Kaido will fall just like what has happened now and won’t keep on standing. As the battle continues, it was revealed that Lw has managed to survive the Thunder Bagua. Haoushoku is the attack that injured an enemy before it landed. That’s why Luffy asks Kaido about Haoushoku, realizing that he got hit before it landed. Zoro’s Ashura is developed from drawing a sword. The attack had left a scar on Kaido’s body before he knew it. Captain Kid and Killer has gone somewhere to take care of one of the Beast Pirates. But later, the two have just disappeared since they were going to face Big Mom. This has to do with something that Mom asks about from Prometheus. Meanwhile, Zoro wonders what Haoushoku is. He asks Luffy what it is since he heard him asking Kaido about it. The earlier attack that hit Kaido is starting to show some impact. Kaido has started to bleed as the battle continues. The truth about Big Mom, Zeus, and Prothemus will be revealed soon. We will find how Big Mom got to save and what has happened to Captain Kid and Killer. Even Zoro’s Ashura and the truth about Haoushoku will be revealed. Take a look at the updates below for you not to miss the next chapter.
One Piece Chapter 1011 Release Date and Where to Read Online?
One Piece Chapter 1011 will release on Sunday, 25 April 2021. New chapters of One Piece will be available every Sunday, and there is a break this week. The spoiler of the upcoming chapter will be available next week. Read more about Kaido and Luffy’s battle here on One Piece Chapter 1010 or One Piece Chapter 1010 Spoilers.
Read One Piece Chapter 1011 Spoilers
One Piece 1011 spoilers are not yet out. We will first be getting raw spoilers, and then it will be translated into English via translators. After last week’s intense chapter, it is only normal for a One Piece fan to go above and beyond for this chapter. As we mentioned earlier, One Piece 1011 is on a break at the moment. However, it is worth noting that there is a possibility that One Piece 1011 spoilers might come out a week earlier. If that is the case we will keep you updated. Chapter 1,011: “Anko no Jingi” ( “The Moral Code of Red Bean Paste”. ) – Killer and Kid are scared to see that Big Mom returns flying even without Zeus. Zeus, who has escaped from Kid’s metal box since his powers have been weakened, goes to look for Big Mom. Kid and Killer arrive at the castle after an attack by Big Mom and confront Hawkins. Read here: One Piece 1011 Spoilers are not out. You can always read One Piece 1011 officially while supporting Eiichiro Oda at MangaPlus.
One Piece Release Schedule For Upcoming 6 Chapters
As we mentioned earlier One Piece Chapter 1011 is set to release on the 25th of April 2021. The upcoming chapters for One Piece will be released as follows;
One Piece Chapter 1012 Release Date – The 9th of May 2021 One Piece Chapter 1013 Release Date – The 23rd of May 2021 One Piece Chapter 1014 Release Date – The 30th of May 2021 One Piece Chapter 1015 Release Date – The 6th of June 2021 One Piece Chapter 1016 Release Date – The 20th of June 2021
— (@otakuanimeblog) April 15, 2021 One Piece manga chapters are delayed many times over the months due to the health of the mangaka, Eiichiro Oda sensei. It is also delayed due to natural calamities, golden week, shonen jump holiday, and similar scenarios. In case you do not watch One Piece and want to give it a try, make sure to watch the following One Piece trailer: